The press conference in FCCJ


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Press conference at FCCJ

Motoshige Itoh & Martin Schulz,
"Tax Panel Discussion"
Motoshige Itoh, Professor,
Graduate School of Economics at University of Tokyo

Martin Schulz, Senior Resarch Fellow,
Fujitsu Reseach Institute
Monday, May 12, 2014, 12:30 - 14:00

東京大学大学院経済学研究科教授 伊藤元重 
富士通総研上席主任研究員 マルティン・シュルツ




As Japanese consumers are struggling hard to make both ends meet following the consumption tax increase to 8 percent, the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is toying with the idea of lowering Japan's corporate tax.

Proponents of corporate tax reduction argue that the step is necessary to spur the Japanese economy, citing the current 35.6 percent as too high.It compares with 29.5 percent in Germany, 25 percent in China and 17 percent in Singapore.

Motoshige Itoh, professor of international economics at the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo,is a member of the Tax Commission and the Council on Fiscal and Economic Policy. He also chairs the Reconstruction Promotion Committee.He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1974 with a BA degree in economics and his PhD is from the University of Rochester in 1979. He has written extensively about political economy and published more than 40 books.

Martin Schulz, senior research fellow at Fujitsu Research Institute, is a longtime analyst of the Japanese economy.He graduated from Berlin Free University with MAs in political science and economics in 1989 and 1990, respectively, and a PhD in economics in 1996.

His ties with Japan began in 1991 when he was a researcher at the Institute of Social Science at the University of Tokyo. He served as a visiting researcher at Rikkyo University in 1997 and later at
the University of Tokyo and the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies at the Bank of Japan before joining Fujitsu Research Institute in 2000.

Itoh and Schulz will come to the club to provide insight on the effects of the tax measures under the Abe government and how they will influence the global economy.

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