12:30-13:30 Thursday, December 19, 2013
Kenji Eda,
Member of the House of Representatives
”The Birth of a New Political Opposition”
衆議院議員 江田憲司
The opposition ranks in the Japanese Diet have been rocked this month by the splitting of Your Party, which had been one of the larger and more successful opposition parties. The event is all the more striking because the 14 lawmakers who just walked out of Your Party are clearly intending that their move should lead to a larger consolidation of likeminded politicians which might succeed today's DPJ as the largest opposition force.
Kenji Eda, the undisputed leader of the Your Party defectors, has decided to make the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan a key stage upon which to explain his motivations, actions, and vision for the nation.
Eda, who began his career in the then-Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and as a policy aide to reform-oriented Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, later became one of the most articulate opponents of the excessive power of the Japanese bureaucracy. He has served as the secretary-general of Your Party since its founding, but removed himself from that position in August after a series of criticisms against Yoshimi Watanabe's authoritarian style of party management and policy reversals.