The press conference in FCCJ


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Press conference at FCCJ

Takumi Nemoto, Minister for Reconstruction
15:00-16:00, Thursday, September 26, 2013
Takumi Nemoto
Minister for Reconstruction

復興大臣  根本 匠



Now that Tokyo has won a bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, Japan has to keep its promise to the international community to accelerate the reconstruction of the disaster-hit regions and the creation of a "new Tohoku."

Takumi Nemoto, a native of Fukushima Prefecture, has been assigned by Prime Minister Abe as Reconstruction Minister responsible for the implementation of all governmental policies of reconstruction in the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. He will take on big challenges to achieve the objectives.

A former Construction Ministry bureaucrat, Nemoto was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1993. He served as a special adviser to the then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in 2002-2003 and special adviser to the then Prime Minister Abe in 2006-2007. The 62-year-old heads the Tohoku Shishinokai (a group of Tohoku men of vision) and it is his belief that it is possible to ''Change Japan through policy-oriented politics.''

He will come to the club to keep club members abreast of fresh developments in the ongoing reconstruction of the disaster-afflicted region and elaborate on his belief that his beloved Fukushima Prefecture can be restored to a fully livable and vibrant place once again.